What are Investment Assets?

Investment assets are items procured to produce future income or a future increase in value. These assets can either be tangible or intangible. Tangible assets are physical items such as equipment and property, while intangible assets are not physical items but things like patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property. What types of investment assets can you buy and sell?

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5 Tips for House Hunting in Boca Raton, FL

While best known as a vacation destination nestled by the ocean among palm trees, Boca Raton is not solely for tourists. Boca Raton is a city of about 100,000, consisting of a blend of young professionals, seniors, and families who enjoy the temperate climate and plethora of outdoor activities and restaurants, shopping, and museums. The Boca Raton real estate market is highly competitive and features median prices about $100,000 higher than the national average. So if you’re looking for a home in Boca Raton, here are some tips to give you the edge.

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How to Flip a House for the First Time

If you watch any home improvement networks, you already know that house flipping is all the rage. Despite these shows being billed as reality TV, they don’t show all that goes into flipping a house. They can make it look a lot easier than it is. If this is an investment pursuit that interests you, make sure to do your due diligence and learn all you can before jumping in with both feet. You want to avoid costly, time-consuming rookie mistakes. Here’s some of what you can expect to encounter flipping a house for the first time.

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How To Get Started in Real Estate Investing

If you’re like most people, you might have a preconceived idea that you must be a billionaire to own property or that the only types of property that are available for investing are abandoned buildings. You would be wrong on both accounts. Getting your start in real estate investing doesn’t have to cost millions of dollars, and there are plenty of pieces of property available that are in decent if not excellent condition. Knowing how to start and where to look are just two of the steps you should take, and using this guide can help you with the rest.

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What is a First Lien?

Buying a home can feel overwhelming. Not only is it one of the most expensive purchases you’re likely to make, but the process can often be full of terms you don’t understand. One of these terms is “first lien.” What is a first lien, and how do you know if you need one? This article demystifies the home buying process by explaining what a first lien is, why you’d want one, and how to get one.

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Getting Started with Private Notes and Mortgages

Let us consider the way many homeowners, developers, and investors approach real estate as an investment. Individual investors, as well as institutional investors, have long realized that investing in real estate with leveraged funds is seriously advantageous since the owner benefits from appreciation on the borrowed funds as well as on their own input. It is this rationale that encourages savvy investors to borrow money to invest in more expensive property and/or to renovate and flip a property. Nothing new here.  

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